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Dénombrement en maternelle

mai 28, 2015 in Ateliers, Catalunya, Rencontres, Vidéos

Activité de dénombrement dans une classe maternelle 4 ans (Catalogne)

Problèmes en 3 actes

avril 21, 2015 in Ateliers, Catalunya, Rencontres, Vidéos

Enquête pisa

avril 10, 2015 in Conférences, Finlande, Vidéos

Intervention d’un membre du FIER (Finnish Institute fo Educational Research ), Jouni Vettenranta, à propos de l’enquête PISA.

Presentation and analysis of the inquiries Pisa of Finland by Jouni Vettenranta (senior researcher in Finnish Institute for Educational Research). We got the introduction about the Finnish Pisa results and the background of Finlands great sucsess in the test (PISA = Programme for Intenatioal Student Assessment).



Intervention de Raimo Vuorinen du Laboratoire de recherche inter-universités. Mise en évidence de l’acquisition des compétences dans l’employabilité et la citoyenneté future.

Presentation about the Finnish career educaton by Raimo Vuorinen: how to work with the future career opportunities with the students at every level in school. (Comparative Assessment of Educational Outcomes, Cultures and Systems (COMPASS))

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Free time in Jyväskylä and Last meeting

février 24, 2015 in Convivialité, Finlande, Réunions, Vidéos

Free time

Visiting local candy factory (Panda) and PuttiPaja-shop.

The Last Meeting

Last meeting by the lake of Jyväskylä (Jyväsjärvi). One boat is renovated to work as a restaurant, so that was an excellent place for use to gather around!

Visite de la ferme de Tura – Visiting Tura’s ranch

février 24, 2015 in Finlande, Vidéos, visites

Réunion de travail à la ferme de Tura – Meeting on the ranch of Tura

The farm was built in 1850´s and the farmer seen in video is already the third generation´s farmer on that ranch. Nowadays the ranch is used mainly for visitors, travellers and different kind of events. They have also some horses and they are still taking care of the fields. Before dinner we had Comenius meeting about the half way rapport and we discussed the rest of the project.


Repas à la ferme auberge – Traditional Finnish dinner made by the hostesses

After the meeting we had wonderfull traditionall Finnish dinner and enjoyed some art improvised by our group.