Vaajakummun Koulu
Visiting Vaajakumpu School and introduction to Finnish teaching of mathematics (Matikkamaa by Sirpa Kortekallio) and teaching the finnish speciality: domestic works. Slideshow of the Finnish nature by photographer Hannu Manninen.
Vierailu Vaajakummun koulussa ja tutustuminen suomalaiseen matematiikan opetukseen (Matikkamaa, Sirpa Kortekallio) ja kotitalousluokkaan. Valokuvaaja Hannu Mannisen kuvia Suomesta.
Introduction to Finnish teaching of mathematics
(Matikkamaa (The land of math) by Sirpa Kortekallio).
Luokanopettaja Sirpa Kortekallio kertoo Matikkamaa-opetusvälineistä.
Classroom teacher Sirpa Kortekallio is specialized in teaching math. She believes that different kind of activities bring concreteness in learning math, which is highly important.
In video she is showing an example how to play human chess with multiplication. 2-4 players must know the right answers for the asked multiplication tasks. When the answer is right they can move one step forward, left or right but never twice on the same colour. The one who gets first on the opposite corner of the play field wins. If someone is standing on the players way they can eat the other one by stepping on their square (like in real chess). Because of this excitement (to know the right answers and to eat or to be eaten by others) older pupils tend to like this game very much.
matti says:
Vierailu Oravasaaren koululle (Visit to Oravasaari school)
Vierailu Vaajakummun koululle (Visit to Vaajakumpu school)
Jyväskylän yliopisto (University of Jyväskylä)
matti says:
Video 3
At the beginning
Yliopiston kirjasto ja museo, Library and Museum of the University
Opettajankoulutuslaitos, tekninen työ
Visit to Department of Teacher Education, the craftwork